Martin Griffith-Zahner

Martin Griffith-Zahner is a lawyer who has been a sole practitioner in the small northern

community of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, for over 30 years. His practice focused

on family and criminal litigation, and was a family law mediator. While carrying a

successful private practice he always devoted a portion of the practice to legal aid and

poverty law work, and is committed to equal access to justice for the marginalized and

disenfranchised. Active in the community, he regularly attended local high school

classes as a guest speaker. He maintained a balance between court work, community

work and family time with his wife and two sons; travelling internationally with his family

for at least one to two months each year afforded him balance, perspective, and an

opportunity for deep connections as a husband and father to be maintained. He enjoys

running, fly fishing, hiking and outdoor activities. Commencing in 2021 he gradually

reduced his practice and now is almost fully, happily retired.