The film has been approved for Continuing Professional Development Credits by the following  Canadian Law Societies 

Alberta: The Law Society strongly encourages lawyers to develop a CPD plan.  More information is available here. 

British Columbia:  Approved for 1.5 CPD hours  and .75 hours Ethics Credit

Manitoba:The Law Society of Manitoba requires lawyers to complete 12 hours of professional development activities per year. If you are a practising member for three or more months in a year, then 1 ½ hours of your CPD must be related to ethics, professional responsibility or practice management. 

Ontario: Approved for 1.5 CPD hours  and .75 hours Ethics Credit

Nova Scotia: The Nova Scotia Barristers' Society requires all practicing lawyers to create an annual professional development plan and commit it to writing. All practicing lawyers are expected to complete a minimum of 12.0 hours of professional development in each reporting year. 

Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Each lawyer must complete 24 hours of CPD within a 2-year period, of which 4 hours must be “Professionalism”: ethics, client communications, professional responsibility, or practice management. videos are eligible for PEI’s CPD requirement. For more information, please visit the Law Society of PEI website.

Quebec: Approved for 1.5 CPD hours  and .75 hours Ethics Credit

Saskatchewan: Approved for 1.5 CPD hours  and .75 hours Ethics Credit